GENÈVE (Novum/AP) - Natuurkundigen zijn er naar eigen zeggen zeker van dat ze het Higgs-boson hebben ontdekt. Vorig jaar werd er met de deeltjesversneller van het Europese onderzoekscentrum CERN in Genève een deeltje gevonden dat vermoedelijk het Higgs-boson was. Uit alle gegevens die in 2012 werden gevonden kan nu worden afgeleid dat dat deeltje daadwerkelijk het illustere Higgs-boson was.
Joe Incandela van CERN zei donderdag in een verklaring dat het 'duidelijk is dat we te maken hebben met een Higgs-boson'. Er is volgens Incandela echter nog 'een lange weg te gaan voordat we weten wat voor soort Higgs-boson het is'.
Het elementaire deeltje, waar lange tijd over werd getheoretiseerd, zou verklaren waarom alle deeltjes in het heelal massa hebben. Het wordt ook wel de ontbrekende bouwsteen van de natuurkunde genoemd.
New and old Science In spite of two findings from Einstein and Planck, one to show the equation between atoms and energy and the other to discover the constant between waves' frequencies and energy, traditional science has never closed the circle. Still today, science does not recognize the transformation from waves to atoms. A new and Progressive Science shows how Wavevolution, or the transformation from waves to atoms, is the connecting link that closes the circle of science to open our eyes toward new horizons never seen before. The bureaucracy of traditional science prevents the recognition of any event unless certain criteria are first met. The problem of this science is buried deep in the compilation of these "laws" or criteria like the “uncertainty principle” introduced by a few scientists in the name of all science and from their erroneous understanding of the relation between Space and Time. This antiquated system of rules also results in misleading theories. For example, Space is not “curved”. In Einstein's paradigm, a stone that falls on the ground from the window of a moving train also marks one parabola in Space. Although, this path is only apparent since the Earth is also moving and the Time spent by the stone to reach the ground has also changed to some degree that imaginary vertical line. At the Time of the initial Movement when the stone falls from the window its potential trajectory is one perpendicular Space that is no longer the same as the stone continues to move until it hits the ground. If the scientist had known that the coordinates of Space in Time are unique and unrepeatable then all the rest would have also been "straight". That perpendicular is straight but accounted as “curve” because of the limits imposed by the old science that makes it impossible to recognize the concept of simultaneity. In reference to each body at any moment in Time there are always only two coordinates in Space for one perpendicular. And with two coordinates there is no curve. One perpendicular is unrepeatable and never the same because while the measure of it is repeatable and any measurement can be applied for different segments instead one perpendicular marked in Time will never again have that same spatial positioning. The perpendicular changes in Time but Einstein believed that the concept of Space is independent from the concept of Time. Another example is in the special theory of relativity which denies all absolutes and meanings of truth. This is in regard to Einstein's example of two beams of light hitting one same embankment of a railroad on two Points: Point A and Point B. In between the two there is also the middle point, Point M. If one train were to run over that track then on the train we would also have Point A1 on the wagon of the train correspondent to above Point A and also one other corresponding Point B1right above Point B. We would also have on the train the corresponding Point M1 above Point M. Einstein's theory is that as for Point M (not moving because on the embankment) those two beams are simultaneous and equidistant, instead, for the passenger sitting on M1 and moving towards Point B1 (and also toward Point B) the two beams are not simultaneous because the beam in Point B1 is being approached by the moving train, therefore closer to M1. In this example, while Einstein’s concept of Time is rigidly kept unchanged in regard to the embankment, instead, the concept of Space is extended also to the next moment in Time when the traveler will move even if in that precise instant the traveler has not moved yet. Since the concept of simultaneity had been put aside, Einstein considered Time to be the same while Space instead had changed. Also, this same scientist erroneously believed that all colors in the light spectrum travel at the same speed. Much confusion comes from these approximations. One new Progressive Science will have to become more relevant before Humankind could see the first light of a new dawn.